Studio Information

Registration – You can register at any point in time.  We always welcome new registries all year long at any given point.  The first month’s tuition is required with the registration form and fee ($50) to reserve class space.  Registration will not be considered complete and class space not reserved until this fee has been paid.   This is a non-refundable fee which gets you in our system, includes all wear and tear, equipment, teaching materials, show props & accessories, cleaning, etc.  All fees must be paid and registration forms signed before student may participate in class, this includes all students that leave the studio for any given period of time and come back.

Tuition – Class fees are due at the first of each month, but you can also pay for the year upfront to make things easier. *A $10 late fee will be applied to accounts not paid by the 3rd and students may not dance until tuition is paid. A $5 late fee accrues daily on top of the $10 for everyday it’s late.  Tuition is paid by the following method: auto-pay – SQUARE sent to your email, takes about 2 minutes to plug in your information.  Comes out the 1st of each month so neither you nor us have to think about it!  We do offer venmo and cash as an option, but tuition will be $50 for those who use this option instead of the discount we offer through easy-pay.  We need to know at least 30 days in advance if a student is not going to continue with a class.  This gives us enough time to fill their spot to pay teachers, rearrange routines and inform the programs we use so they don’t charge us a fee.  Tuition remains the same regardless of absences and whether it is a long (5-weeks) month or a short (3- weeks) month!  Tuition is per month – not per class and is non-refundable, but there is a drop in fee per day.  The monthly fee for 45 minutes-1 hour class a week is depends on the number of classes and age signed up for.  If you need to drop or add a class at any time during the year, you will need to send a written request to Teacher Marissa.  Not showing up for classes does not constitute a withdrawal from class. You will continue to be charged for tuition until the written request 30-days in advance has been completed.  Tuition will not be pro-rated for taking a break or leaving halfway through the month.  It is to be paid in full to get the discount or one must be considered a drop-in.  Dropping in at least once a month does keep your registration status.  It is required that all students be covered by their own family insurance policies and if injury occurs it is understood that the student’s own policy is your only source of reimbursement.  

Drop-ins – Welcome to class at any given time as long as waiver is signed and $15 drop-in fee paid beforehand.  The drop-in fee may be applied to the registration fee the same day if they decide to join.  Drop-in students are to follow the same rules and regulations as any other student at the studio.  


Attendance – Good attendance is imperative, as absences and tardiness can hold back an entire class.  Students should be prompt and prepared for class. “Early is on time, on time is late and late is very bad” a teacher of mine used to say.  This will be more applicable during performance seasons (December, May and August).  Teacher Marissa allows one drink break per class so it is recommended to bring a water bottle, but have your child go potty before class.  When one child has to go, they all need to go and we already have such little time with them as it is.  There is also no sitting during class as we have so much to accomplish in such little time together!  We prefer no parents in the studio while teaching is in session as to further their progression and enhance focus.  There is something magical that happens when they look to the instructor for reassurance instead of the parent.  We understand at first you will want to be present, but after the first 3 weeks it is best to not be present, but you are welcome to peak in as long as they can’t see you!   This is also the reason we believe in more showcases to show parents what they’ve been learning and include them in the process and experience.  Thanks for your compliance!

Recitals –  There are 2-3 shows a year which vary.  We assume students are performing in the showcases unless it is communicated at least 2 months in advance that your child does not want to participate.  It is not required to be in the shows, but one must know that there is a skill that cannot be acquired in the classroom and that is performing in front of a crowd.  We are huge advocates of them getting out there even if they don’t end up moving.  We have seen time and time again the shyer ones get up and do more each time.  So sometimes just cheerleading them to get up, even if they just stand there at the final curtain call is still a HUGE milestone!  Teachers, administrators and students also work hard to put together a recital to benefit all parties involved.  It is theater courtesy to make your contribution in some way or show to rehearsals, shows and classes as much as possible if you do want to be in it or let us know you want to still attend class but not perform in the show.  Not showing simply because you didn’t want to go or pay tuition last minute is unacceptable.   We understand things come up last minute and we can’t help sicknesses, but once you are feeling better, or are out of quarantine it is appreciated that you are there.  If there is an extenuating circumstance please communicate that so we can make necessary changes to the show, even if it is last minute.  That is also when we assess progression and do level adjustments.   Students do not become a well rounded mover and do not get the full experience we offer unless they have performed what they have learned in front of a live audience and peers.   We can’t stress enough how important performances are, especially for those involved around you!  If the show dates do not work for you contact us ASAP and we would be willing to make it work so all may be involved if they so choose.  Thanks! 

Weather/Holidays – The studio will not necessarily close for snow days, regardless if area schools are closed, if in doubt call.  If classes are canceled you will be notified via email or text.  We dance come rain or shine, winter or summer!  We do follow the Alpine School District calendar, so if there is a holiday with no school there will also be no dance.  Only for holidays though.  We have make-up classes available within the month you miss, but please note they may only be used for the enrolled student that misses classes and within the month missed.

Practice Wear – Workout/dance wear is required for all classes. Students must wear comfortable or form fitting dance attire to display proper body alignment and allow for easy movement. No baggy t-shirts, baggy shorts, midriffs, low cut shirts, no revealing shorts or shirts, blue jeans, no jewelry or other inappropriate attire will be allowed.  Hair should always be securely pulled away from the face.  Teacher Marissa will specify what attire is appropriate for which class upon your arrival to your new class!  Leotards highly recommended for girls in all classes!  No gum and make sure to have the appropriate shoes for each class.  All costumes need to be approved before each show.  Thanks!


Studio Rules

No student or parent should be in the studio unless enrolled in that particular class or has special permission. It can be distracting to students when others are watching or talking during their class time, especially a younger sibling. Students tend to look to their parent for approval and reassurance when they should be leaning towards the teachers. At times it stops them from progressing because it can be hard to let loose and fully express ones self during practice with constant viewers or critiques'. We've had problems when parents and students step in and try to spot the student with a trick or jump in and "fix" them when that should be left to the trained teacher. It can cause serious injury to those around as well. It is important that we have a little bit of crowd control. This is more of a drop-off situation. Friends and family will have plenty of opportunities to see students dance during performance season. Drop-in students always welcome, reminder that there is first a waiver that needs to be signed and a drop in fee of $15.

Students should be dressed and prepared for class before it starts, including the shoes you plan on wearing. Some classes require a certain kind of shoe or bare feet. Again Teacher Marissa will specify for your specific class the first day of classes. No food or drinks of any kind are allowed on the studio floor. There will be a break area attached to the studio where snacks and water are then permitted. Parents should not leave young students unattended in the waiting area before or after class. Guardians are allowed only 5 minutes before the class ends. Chewing gum is never allowed in the dance studio or on the premise. Always treat your teacher, the studio/building and fellow classmates with respect.


All you need. All in one place.

Marissa's Dance Studio